Satellite-based monitoring of dry and wet conditions using Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI)

The SPI analysis is following the training conducted in 28 Jan 2020 by NASA ARSET on Application of GPM IMERG Reanalysis for Assessing Extreme Dry and Wet Periods. Link: https://appliedsciences.nasa.gov/join-mission/training/english/arset-applications-gpm-imerg-reanalysis-assessing-extreme-dry-and-wet

I will keep the old guideline (jupyter notebook and markdown files) in this repo although some steps might not work, and I have plan to revise it soon. In the meantime, use the new guideline.

Follow the complete guideline here:



Benny Istanto UN World Food Programme, Indonesia


Thanks to Yanmarshus Bachtiar for CDO’s tips and Ridwan Mulyadi for IMERG shell script.